The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Friday, July 16, 2010


We have watched the numbers of Barack Obama drop sharply and consistently for several months with no end in sight for the slide. Numbers that are dropping as fast as his Presidency is failing and the American people are awakened to the lies he has told and the radical direction he is taking the country and the people do not like it.

Most of the polling showing just how badly Obama is doing has been quoted from sources like Rasmussen, who is considered by most as a more conservative poll. When in actuality Scott Rasmussen pollS likely voters and not registered voters like other pollsters which tends to lean a little more conservative. Gallup and other more left leaning polls like CBS also have been showing Obama numbers sliding significantly but not to the extent that Rasmussen has.

But a poll that has just been released is not only one of the most telling as to just how much the American people are disgusted with Obama but also just how bad this total failure is doing his,"job," and how much Americans cannot wait to get him out of office.

Public Policy Polling which is a very sympathetic pollster for Democrats and whose polling samples are ALWAYS several points higher for Democrats than Republicans and Independents shows Obama losing re-election to just about every possible candidate who at this point in the game is considered a possible GOP contender in 2012.

According to the poll which sampled 39% Democrat, 34% Republican and only 27% Independents shows Obama losing to Mitt Romney 46 -42, Mike Huckabee 47 - 45, Newt Gingrich 46 - 45 and tied with Sarah Palin at 46. The only name polled that lost to Obama was Arizona Governor Jan Brewer who lost only because she has little national name recognition.

Among Independents EVERY possible candidate in the poll even Governor Brewer defeats Obama significantly. Obama did not poll above 42% against anyone and polled in the upper thirties against three of the five possible candidates used in the poll.

The poll did not just stop at sampling for the 2012 election. It also polled concerning Obama's approval rating with the sampling. His overall approval rating in the poll was 46% and again this is a Democrat leaning poll which samples registered voters rather than likely voters a sampling that always favors Democrats. Among Independents in the poll Obama only had a 40% approval rating. He has virtually lost the Independent vote which was key to electing him in 2008.

Polling like this is also very bad news for November as it shows just how much the American people are disgusted with the direction Obama and Democrats are taking this country. Many including Press Secretary Robert Gibbs acknowledge that Democrat are likely to lose the House with many stating that the Senate will also fall from Democrat hands.

Obama has destroyed Democrats which is a good thing for we who consider ourselves conservative. But the down side is that the path he has taken to Democrat destruction is also destroying out country. November cannot come fast enough to end the reign of Obama and his socialist alliance with Congress and tie his hands making him a two year lame duck until we can boot him out in 2012.

Ken Taylor


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