The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


The Senate Judiciary Committee following a party line vote of 10 - 8 approved the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito sending it to the Senate floor where his confirmation is expected to take place by the end of this week. Democrats were united in their agreement with Republicans that Alito is highly qualified to sit on the High Court. Their opposition was based on purely ideological reasons based on perceived notions as to how they felt Alito might vote were certain cases to come before the court. Using Alito's record and the usual misinterpretations and exaggerations of that record as they did in the hearings Democrats once again attempted to paint this fine American as bad for the country and that his confirmation would reverse the court and in essence set the country back years. Again they have claimed in many of their statements to speak for the American people with statements such as, "the American people deserve to hear more, " by Chuck Schumer. The purpose of the advise and consent responsibility of the Senate as specified by the Constitution is to determine the qualifications of a nominee and whether there are skeletons in the closet that could jeopardize that nominee as a justice. Their responsibility is NOT to determine how a nominee will judge a case based on that nominees beliefs as Democrats have done with Alito. The determination of Committee Democrats that he was qualified to sit on the bench should have been where their , "advise, " ended. When liberal Clinton appointees Justice Ginsberg and Justice Breyer were sent to the Senate floor by committee during their confirmation process, Republicans though disagreeing with the nominees beliefs passed them through committee because they were qualified and did not use a litany test based on personal perception as to how the Senator believes the nominee will judge a case as Democrats have done with Alito. I have stated before that the process of Judiciary Committee hearings to question a nominee is good for the American people as it is quite possibly the only time that we can listen to the opinions and legal qualifications of a judge. It is also good to investigate a judges qualifications but no one can or should expect a nominee to pre-judge a case and the perception of any possible judgment should never be the determination of that judges appointment. The President appoints according to his judicial philosophy and that is the Constitutional privilege of winning an election. The Senate does not have that authority yet Democrats believe it their responsibility to rip a conservative nominee and attempt to demonize them for political purposes. This will continue on the Senate floor. Confirmation is more or less certain. Let's hope that some Democrats rather than political grand standing to appease their base follow their Constitutional responsibility and place their consent to a qualified and deserving nominee and not just party loyalty.

Ken Taylor


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alito has shown himself to be a clear supporter of business and large institutions over the individual. He will grant the President broad ranging powers which will throw off our system of checks and balances by relegating Congress to a back seat position.

Roe v. Wade will be overturned, but all that will happen is that it will go back to individual states and there will be a great deal of strife.

I say let him be confirmed and let's live with the consequences of further empowerment of corporations over the lives of individual citizens.

9:43 PM, January 24, 2006  
Blogger The Liberal Lie The Conservative Truth said...

Once again Rob as I stated in the post, all of your conclusions are based on the same idea as liberals in committee, the PERCEPTION of what you believe that Alito will do on cases that MAY come before the court. Alito stated time and again that he believed in the rule of law as stated in the Constitution making him a strict Constitutional originalist. How can he or anyone know how any judge will view a case before it even exists. He believes in law regardless of ideology and THAT was my point. The left uses ideological litmus tests whenever a conservative judge is nominated and base their, "disapproval, " on perception NOT qualifications of which judge Altio meets ALL standards.


6:53 PM, January 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is your definition of a "strict Constitutional originalist?" I am not familiar with that term. I base my PERCEPTION on a simple review of his body of decisions that he has made in cases that he has presided over. Bush loves him because he will support broadening Executive Power. The Right loves him because he will overturn Roe v. Wade. Businesses love him because he sides with them. I never said he is not qualified, I based my final comment from my post on the simple fact that his history clearly shows he does not rule in favor of individuals over corporations. That is fact, not just PERCEPTION. Look it up yourself.

7:30 PM, January 25, 2006  
Blogger The Liberal Lie The Conservative Truth said...

A Constitutional Originalist is one whose interpritaion the Constitution based on the Founders original intent and not according to interpritation of others. Once again regardless of his past rulings know one including Alito can determine what he will judge on any case that comes before the court. He has sided with Planned Parenthood in the past on abortion cases despite his personal belief because at the time that was his interpritation of the law on that case. Again it IS liberal perception!


7:40 PM, January 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What case(s) are you referring to? Why do you believe Planned Parenthood is so against Alito? No one can know what someone is going to do in the future with absolute certainty, that is why you review the record - so you can get some idea.

In Planned Parenthood v. Casey, Alito not only concurred with the the majority in favor of the more restrictive rules for abortion passed by the Penn state legislature, he dissented with the Court for striking down a provision that required married women to notify their spouses of their intent to get an abortion. In other words, he wanted to make abortion more restrictive.

The spousal notification issue went before the Supreme Court and was struck down. Basically, Alito's view was not upheld.

Do you actually have a case that you can cite or are you just repeating a false talking point?

9:37 PM, January 25, 2006  

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